Kre-Alkaline 3000 efx
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The Original Kre-Alkalyn 3000 EFX for more strenght and increase muscle building
This is the brand that started is all on June 4th, 2002 when Kre-Alkalyn 3000 EFX was awarded United States manufacturing patent #6,399,661. Kre-Alkalyn 3000 EFX is "buffered" creatinethat does not convert into creatinine prior to reaching skeletal muscle tissue. It is packaged in a purple capsule that can be administered orally. Kre-Alkalyn 3000 EFX is manufactured exclusively by All American Pharmaceutical Corporation.The research behind Kre-Alkalyn 3000 EFX´s patent proves that creatine´s speed of conversion or breakdown into creatinine (a mostly useless byproduct) is directly related to its pH?"the lower the pH, the faster it converts. Furthermore, the conversion rates slow dramatically as the pH of the creatine is raised above 7 - and stops completely above pH 12. Here´s why...
A pH level above 12 represents the perfect ratio of Hydrogen ions to Hydroxyl ions to stop the chemical reaction of: Creatine + H20 = Creatinine. The buffering agents in Kre-Alkalyn 3000 EFX effectively "mop up" the excess Hydrogen ions and prevent them from lowering pH. In other words, it gives creatine the ability to resist changes in pH that it normally doesn´t have. This protects the creatine molecules during transport - delivering them intact to the bloodstream so they can reach your muscle cells with 100% potency. That´s the power of pHCD® delivery technology!
Kre-Alkalyn 3000 EFX is the only creatine product in the world with a pH above 12 because its molecules are chemically bonded to "buffering" agents using a patented manufacturing process. Kre-Alkalyn 3000 EFX´s patent also covers all pH levels from 7-14. Therefore, the pH of all other creatine products must be pH 6.9 or less (they aren´t buffered and cannot resist changes in pH) - meaning they will convert to creatinine and lose potency in liquids.